No Rights Reserved Webseries

| October 4, 2015


A Techno-Thriller Web Series

No Rights Reserved is a narrative web series that examines the relationship between coordinated acts of violence and the use of social media as well as other advances in the exchange of information.

In the early 2010s, countless media outlets try to connect many violent crimes such as Worldstar fights, “knockout” games flash robberies, and even civil unrest (Occupy, etc.) to the use of utilities such as Twitter and Facebook.  Amidst this environment, several individuals in the DC area partake in these particular trends only to find themselves unexpectedly thrust into the middle of a war between mysterious organizations and individuals vying for control of human behavior.

In the first episode, “Buzz,” A group of teenagers decide to partake in a disturbing trend called “Smack Out” at a chance of gaining quick viral fame.

Starring: Chris Waiters, Keith Mills, Brandon Gerald, Jessica Inzeo, Kevin Leigh, Amberlee Brown, and Alex Neumeier.

Written by Lorenzo Olsen and Miles Joyner.

Directed & Edited by Miles Joyner

For more information on the web series No Rights Reserved, please go to:


Category: Announcements, Drama

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