Kim Williams, Creator of The Unwritten Rules Web Series Ignites A Truthful Discussion On Race

| April 10, 2013

KimWilliamsKim Williams is a Writer and Producer who has spent 16 years in Television Post Production and Programming/ Development. In 2004, she decided to chronicle the countless stories she and her friends shared about their white co-workers into a fictional diary, “40 Hours and an Unwritten Rule: The Diary of a Nigger, Negro, Colored, Black, African-American Woman.” In 2012, she created the web series, “the Unwritten Rules”, based on her 2004 novel.(  Her other writing/producing credits include the theatrical play, BITCH ( and the middle-grade book, MILES AND ZOEY (

JAM: What gave you the idea to start your web series?

Kim Williams: With the popularity of web series, I thought it would be a great way to reintroduce the book, “40 Hours and an Unwritten Rule: The Diary of a Nigger, Negro, Colored, Black, African American Woman” I wrote in 2004. I felt the issues were still relevant and was hoping that it would guide people to finally have honest conversations about race.JAM: Why do you think fans have connected so well with your series?

Kim Williams: Everyone, regardless of race, can identify with “the Unwritten Rules” because it’s truth.  For minorities, it’s a look in the mirror and for White people, it’s a window into a glimpse of our journey.JAM: How do you generate new ideas and creativity when writing new episodes?

Kim Williams: Most episodes of the first season were taken directly from the book. The book is based on true experiences that either myself or friends & family have experienced. As I’m writing Season 2, again, I’m drawing on either my personal experiences or those of people I know. I’m also infusing current topics/issues of present-day society in the second season.JAM: Web Series are emerging as a leading force of entertainment and education online, why do you think this is happening and what future do you see for web series?

Kim Williams: I think Web Series are a great way for digital content creators to get our stories told. I love that I am 100% responsible for every episode so it’s an honest representation of my work without the filter of studio or network notes. I’m not trying to get a certain number for a rating or advertising, so it can remain authentic without distractions.  I think the viewers can feel the authenticity and that’s why we’ve had such a positive response. As long as quality content keep emerging, I think Web Series will continue to grow because of the desire for good honest stories that are not being seen on television.

JAM: The Cast & Crew are essential for any web series to be successful, how did you form your team?

Kim Williams: The majority of the cast and crew are people I had either personal relationships or worked with prior to the series.  I think finding the right cast and crew is essential because these are the people who are going to be willing to work for free or little money for your dream.

JAM: What advice would you give anyone that is interested in starting a web series?

Kim Williams: You must have the passion because it’s very hard work. I also think it’s so important to create your own voice and don’t worry about the chatter around you. With the saturation of web series, it’s important to be original and create a quality series with a well written story and decent production value.

Category: Interviews

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  1. toni says:

    I love that you show how to handle a situation without behaving like an angry black girl and yet you still get called that. You have let me know that I’m not crazy just because I don’t give into privileged bullying at work or at Whole Foods:-)